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best communities: Appleton, Wisconsin.

Jeff Lindsay is an author of Conquering Innovation Fatigue. See for more info.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Crime Down in Appleton--And It Was Already Pretty Safe

There have been a few highly publicized episodes of criminal behavior in the Fox Valley in the past year, but in spite of the media frenzy, crime statistics show that Appleton crime is down. That's great news in a community that is already quite a safe place to live. See the April 23, 2014 story at the Post-Crescent, one of the best small-town newspapers in the country. 

Some of the statistics showing possible increased criminal activity are due to changes in definitions that now add previously "neglected" crimes like spitting and pushing. From my temporary perch in Shanghai, China, I can tell you that spitting and pushing are things some very safe cities might not want to include in their crime statistics. Maybe it's a good sign that Appleton feels a need to expand the scope of its statistical lasso. But I hope it's not because there's been a wave of pushing and spitting crimes. 

Appleton has some risks and some crime, but it's a wonderfully safe, peaceful, and pleasant community. Except when the Packers are losing--then things can get tense for a few hours. Sadly, at such times, Packers Traumatic Stress Disorder can escalate and lead to ugly incidents of, well, pushing and spitting. So I hear. At such times, stay off the streets and especially out of the bars, and keep the doors locked.